
the Queen's home

London time on the evening of May 13th, international movie star Zhang Ziyi were invited to arrive in the UK Royal dinner in Windsor Castle, together with Kate Moss, Sherlock KangBo Bartsch, Kate · Blanchet, performing arts celebrities. They witness to the world's first cancer treatment research center "Royal Marsden" (The RoyalMarsden) results.

What to wear

to the Queen's home,?

the royal family dinner, of course, to formal attire, the most important noble and dignified, appropriate sex can be. Cheap NFL Jerseys On the day of Zhang Ziyi wearing R alph Lauren grey gold embroidered gown skirt feathered accessories, go goddess van Cheap college basketball jerseys route. "Hermione" Elmar · Watson (E m m a Watson) wearing a gray color mosaic dress, elegant turned light Cougar; supermodel 卡拉迪瓦伊 (Cara D elevingne) wear a tuxedo show good figure; supermodel Kate · Moss (K ate M OSS) wear black dress chest Shuangfeng looms; supermodel Jessica · end (JessicaM Ichibata) wearing a red bra gown domineering woman; after the 90 new actress Margo · Robbie (M argotR obbie) show plump figure...... The male gods are not suit is a tuxedo, selective no sisters.

on the Queen's house guest, talk about what?

The charity


as a special Olympics global ambassador, Zhang Ziyi years dedicated to children with mental retardation and population growth, the Queen's home, Witness children medicine Royal Cheap MLB Jerseys Marsden in collaboration with the fashion mogul R alphLauren development and low side effects, for the treatment of children with cancer project, of course, to the charity for the first.

on the same day, Zhang Ziyi praised R alph Mr. Lauren's kindness, "cancer is Cheap NHL Jerseys from each and every one of us very close to the disease, cancer is a human doctor trying things, R Cheap soccer jerseys country alph Mr. Lauren can by itself in the global wide resources, the people gathered together, pay attention to the charity project he concerned is very great."

movie talk talk about child

as a filmmaker, talk about the charity, must be three sentences without the bank -- will talk about movies, and that man is Prince William, "he is very kind, patient to greet everyone, nice voice", Zhang Ziyi yesterday in micro-blog with "bid", two people talk about in addition to charity and the movie, is the child -- "he also talked about a George the little prince's secret, he can crawl." After dinner, Zhang Ziyi has flown to the French Cannes for his new film "Tai Ping ship" for overseas publicity.

